Galway: 091 423191 / Limerick: 061 639066 / Laois: 057 8638000 | ✉ | Nationwide

Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint-Current Performance:
Oran Metal’s total location-based GHG emissions are 13,698 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Its total market-based GHG emissions are 13,339 tonnes of CO2e.
The most significant emission sources are outsourced road logistics and owned trucks, accounting for a combined 45% of the total location-based emissions.
Oran Metal switched to renewable electricity supplies in 2021. The impact of this will show in the 2021 assessment.
When leasing/purchasing new vehicles, consider transitioning to electric vehicles(EV) and installing charging points on-site to encourage staff to switch too.
Conduct on-site energy audits to identify where efficiencies can be made and demand for energy reduced (e.g. insulation/space heating).
Investigate switching to alternative fuels, such as Hydro treated Vegetated Oil (HVO) biofuel for use in existing vehicles or transitioning to electric vehicles (EV).